NCAPEC leverages strong working relationships with other organizations to provide opportunities for members to engage in APEC related events.

U.S. APEC Business Coalition
The U.S. APEC Business Coalition brings together the leading U.S. business associations active on APEC to coordinate efforts in support of U.S. policy objectives.
Chaired by NCAPEC, the Coalition serves U.S. companies by maximizing opportunities for dialogue with officials and dignitaries on APEC-related topics, both at the APEC CEO Summit and official APEC meetings throughout the year.

Regional Partnership Initiative
The National Center for APEC has identified bilateral and multilateral collaboration among business and trade organizations as an effective means to advocate for policies that promote the development of a seamless commercial environment in the Asia-Pacific region.
The Regional Partnership Initiative aims to expand opportunities for such collaboration by establishing new channels that business organizations in the Asia-Pacific can leverage to advocate for policies on behalf of their respective members.