NCAPEC Looking ahead to APEC 2019 in Chile

NCAPEC Looking ahead to APEC 2019 in Chile

In recent months, the National Center for APEC (NCAPEC) has worked closely with Chile’s APEC 2019 leadership team on plans for its APEC host year.

In September, NCAPEC President Monica Whaley and Executive Vice President Alex Parle travelled to Chile to meet with government officials and business leaders to discuss plans for Chile’s APEC Chairmanship in 2019. The meetings focused on themes for the year: Digital Society, Women & Inclusive Growth, and Integration 4.0. These meetings concluded with discussions about the 2019 CEO Summit in Santiago. NCAPEC will be working closely with its CEO Summit partners, ABAC Chile, the Chilean government’s APEC Team and Santiago-based representatives of NCAPEC member companies, to make the event a success.

(from left) Bernardo Larraín (ABAC Chile), Monica Whaley, Andrés Varas (2019 APEC CEO Summit), Alex Parle and Rosario Navarro (ABAC Chile)in Santiago, Chile.


The NCAPEC-hosted luncheon in Santiago brought NCAPEC Board member representatives together with  the 2019 APEC CEO Summit organizers and representatives of the U.S. Embassy in Chile.

NCAPEC’s visit to Chile was followed by a recently concluded visit from the Chilean delegation to Washington, D.C.  The delegation included: Rodrigo Yañez, Vice Minister for Trade; Paulina Nazal, Executive Secretary of APEC Chile 2019; Alfonso Silva, Chilean Ambassador to the United States; and Katherine Llama, Chief of Staff to the Vice Minister. Their visit to the U.S. began with a welcome dinner at the St. Regis with NCAPEC member company representatives. It also included a U.S.-APEC Business Coalition meeting that focused on Chile’s strong connections with  APEC economies and its plans during its host year.


(from left) Paulina Nazal (Executive Secretary of APEC Chile 2019), Monica Whaley, and Rodrigo Yañez (Vice Minister for Trade) in Washington D.C.

(from left) Rodrigo Yañez (Vice Minister for Trade) and Alfonso Silva,(Chilean Ambassador to the United States) in Washington D.C.

2019 will mark Chile’s second hosting of APEC, having previously served in this role in 2004. Chilean trade with APEC has grown tremendously since becoming an APEC member in 1994. Chile has signed 16 Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with APEC economies, including agreements with the United States, Australia, China, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Viet Nam and, most recently, Thailand. This has led to increased trade between Chile and other APEC economies. Between 1994 and 2017, Chile’s exports to APEC economies grew from 55% of total exports to 69% of total exports. Meanwhile, APEC-related investment flows are also strong in Chile. In 2017, 58% of the foreign direct investment in Chile came from the APEC region, while 28% of Chile’s investment outflows are to APEC member economies. Chile’s hosting of APEC next year will only serve to bolster its already solid economic ties to APEC members.
