ABAC USA recruitment open

ABAC USA recruitment open

The terms of the current U.S. APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) Members: Dominic Ng of East West Bank, Laura Lane of UPS, and Ginger Lew of I Squared Capital will conclude at the end of this year. NCAPEC would like to thank them for the dedication they showed as advocates for the U.S. business community, particularly during the U.S. host year in 2023.

At the request of the State Department, the National Center for APEC is coordinating the search for three senior executives to represent the United States business community as members of the APEC Business Advisory Council from the beginning of 2025 through the end of 2027. The attached information sheet and letter from U.S. Senior Official for APEC Ambassador Matt Murray describe the required qualifications and outlines the time and resource commitments required for ABAC membership.

The goal of this search is to give every qualified executive willing to be an ABAC member an opportunity to declare their interest to represent the U.S. private sector and to give the White House a broad range of candidates from which to choose.

Letter from Amb. Matt Murray, U.S. Senior Official for APEC:

ABAC USA Member Recruitment Information:

Interested executives should provide a résumé and a company profile to the National Center for APEC by June 28, 2024. NCAPEC will pass all information to the State Department for vetting and selection. If you have any questions or would like more details on the time and resource commitments, please contact Alex Parle, Executive Vice President, info@ncapec.org, to discuss the opportunity further.

Photo (L to R): Ginger Lew, I Squared Capital, U.S. ABAC Member; Kevin Ali, CEO, Organon, 2023 APEC CEO Summit Co-Chair; Al Kelly, Jr., Executive Chairman, Visa, 2023 APEC CEO Summit Co-Chair; President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.; Monica Hardy Whaley, President, National Center for APEC, Alternate U.S. ABAC Member; Dominic Ng, CEO, East West Bank, 2023 ABAC Chair; Laura Lane, EVP and Chief Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Officer, UPS, U.S. ABAC Member.
By | 2024-05-20T01:18:26+00:00 May 14th, 2024|Categories: Blog Post|Comments Off on ABAC USA recruitment open

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