NCAPEC Photo blog: 2018 APEC CEO Summit

    NCAPEC Photo blog: 2018 APEC CEO Summit

    The 2018 APEC CEO Summit, the first held in Papua New Guinea, drew over 600 senior business leaders from across the Asia-Pacific. The event gave ample opportunities for delegates to engage in dialogue with Leaders, Ministers, and business leaders from the 21 APEC economies.

    This year’s summit includes addresses from Prime Minister Mahathir of Malaysia, Prime Minister Morrison of Australia, Prime Minister Medvedev of Russia, President Xi of China, and Vice President Pence of the United States, as well as a host of leading business executives, including several representatives from NCAPEC Board Member companies.

    In lieu of its annual luncheon, NCAPEC hosted an evening reception which kicked off the Center’s 25th anniversary year. The reception was one of the premier events of APEC Leaders’ Week and offered participants, including APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) members and U.S. CEO Summit delegates, a unique opportunity to connect with government officials.

    In addition to the CEO summit schedule, members of the U.S.-APEC Business Coalition also met with six delegations from five APEC economies, including , Mahathir bin Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia; Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; David Parker, Minister of Trade and Export Growth, New Zealand; and Jeffrey Gerrish, Deputy U.S. Trade Representative.


    Local people from Papua New Guinea performing traditional dances at the APEC CEO Summit Gala Festival.


    Vice President Pence speaking on the final day of the APEC CEO Summit.


    President Xi speaking at the APEC CEO Summit.


    Dr. Aran Maree, Chief Medical Officer for the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson speaking on a dialogue titled “The Workforce of the Future.”


    Scott Price, Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer of UPS and NCAPEC Chairman speaking on a panel titled “Creating an Ecosystem for MSME Growth and Opportunity.”


    Terry Brady, President of UL speaking on a panel titled “Digitization, Innovation, Disruption and Inclusive Growth.”


    Attendees watching the CEO Summit.


    CEO Summit attendees, NCAPEC members and Government representatives at the NCAPEC 25th Anniversary Reception.


    Members of the US-APEC Business Coalition meeting with Prime Minister Mahathir of Malaysia.


    Isikeli Taureka, Chairman of the APEC CEO Summit 2018 handing over the CEO Summit gavel to Jean-Paul Luksic, Chairman for the APEC CEO Summit 2019.
