APEC Insights Globe
APEC Insights: Published by the National Center for APEC

Volume 3, Issue 3
October 2010
We hope that you find this issue of APEC Insights useful and informative.  As always we welcome your thoughts and comments.
In This Issue
Leadership Corner: Buliding Towards 2011
SME Ministerial Recap
Economies Make Progress in Third Round of TPP Negotiations
APEC Business Travel Card Update
NCAPEC Board Retreat Sets Strategic Direction for 2011 and Beyond
ABAC Report
Final Preparations for the APEC Summit Week in Yokohama, Japan
NCAPEC Annual Luncheon - November 11, 2010
Energy Workshop - November 11, 2010
2010 Events Calendar

Leadership Corner - Building towards 201

APEC 2011 USA Host CommitteeThese are exciting times for the National Center.  In addition to preparing for the Yokohama CEO Summit and Leaders' Meeting this November, the Center is fully mobilized for the U.S. hosting of APEC in 2011.  Interest in NCAPEC has never been higher and our membership is at a record level.  Planning is well under way to ensure that 2011 will be a fantastic year for APEC and for the Center. 

To create the appropriate structure and focus for organizing APEC 2011, the National Center has formed the "APEC 2011 USA Host Committee Organization, LLC".  The Host Committee will be responsible for organizing all private sector participation for the CEO Summit and Leaders' Meeting in Hawaii, as well as the earlier 2011 APEC meetings in Washington DC, San Francisco CA, and Big Sky MT. The Host Committee, chaired by Craig Mundie of Microsoft, is bringing new and innovative ideas to the 2011 CEO Summit and is committed to creating a Davos-style, substantive and highly interactive dialogue that will bring real value to all participants.

At the September NCAPEC Board retreat the Board spent considerable time discussing the future of the Center after 2011.  All members noted that the Center continues to do an outstanding job representing the interests of its members and agreed to maintain APEC as its core competency. But the group also agreed to extend the mission of the Center to include matters of business interest in the broader Asia-Pacific region.  These changes will ensure that the National Center remains a vibrant and effective association for years to come.  We look forward to a great APEC year in 2011, and beyond.

Ralph S. Carter

Managing Director, Legal, Trade, and International Affairs

FedEx Express

SME Ministerial Recap

The 17th meeting of the APEC Small and Medium Enterprise Ministers took place in Gifu, Japan, October 2-3.  The objective of the meeting was to utilizing SME development within the dynamic Asia-Pacific economy to reinvigorate regional growth.

SME Ministers meet for a closed door session on October 2.
SME Ministers meet for a closed door session on October 2.

The U.S. Delegation was led by Commerce Department Under Secretary for International Trade Francisco Sanchez.  The three plenary sessions' themes were "The impact of the economic crisis on SMEs and countermeasures implemented in response", which included observations by Ginger Lew, Chief of Staff of the U.S. Small Business Administration; "Prospects for SME policy - Looking toward 2020"; and  "Short term prospects for SMEs and SME measures required of APEC", which included remarks by U.S. ABAC member Deb Henretta.  Ms. Henretta commented on the relationships between large companies and SMEs, using P&G as an example, as well as SME needs for easier access to finance and lower prices for broadband.

US ABAC Member Deb Henretta, Procter & Gamble, is seen here participating in the SME Ministerial Meeting Plenary Session on October 2.
US ABAC Member Deb Henretta, Procter & Gamble, is seen here participating in the SME Ministerial Meeting Plenary Session on October


She also referred to the importance of business ethics to SMEs' relations with large companies, supporting one of the U.S. government and private sector's key objectives at the meetings.  The U.S. succeeded in incorporating business ethics as one of the four action items in the Joint Ministerial Statement.  The other three action items were Japanese initiatives on "One village one product", "APEC SME CEOs' Network" and the "APEC SME exhibition model", which together made up the "Gifu Declaration."


Earlier that week, on September 27, the U.S. public and private sectors sponsored a successful "Business Ethics for APEC SMEs" one day seminar, using medical devices as the industry example.  Following up on last year, Singapore sponsored a September 28 "Workshop on APEC SME Internationalization Best Practices."  Subsequent to the September 29-30 SME Working Group meeting, October 1 saw a US - Japan cosponsored "Women's Entrepreneurial Summit (WES)", co-hosted by State Department
Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer.  Ms. Henretta also participated in a panel at this event.


A fact sheet on the WES can be found here and the full text of the SME Joint Ministerial Statement can be found here.

Economies Make Progress in Third Round of TPP Negotiations

Over three hundred delegates convened for the third round of Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations, which were held in Brunei from October 4 - 8, 2010.  TPP negotiators reached consensus early in the week on Malaysia's request to join the negotiations, following which USTR Ron Kirk notified Congress of the Administration's intent to include Malaysia in the ongoing negotiations (see the letter here). Malaysia is the first country to join since the group launched negotiations last March. There are now nine countries involved in the negotiations including: Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam, and the United States.

Working groups made substantial progress on issues covering industrial goods, agriculture, textiles, sanitary and phyto-sanitary standards, services, investment, financial services, intellectual property and environment. Government officials and business representatives joined the negotiations as TPP delegations discussed their respective approaches to incorporating labor provisions in their trade agreements. As with earlier TPP negotiations, stakeholders were welcomed on-site at the negotiations in Brunei and many participated in public seminars on environmental and labor issues.  


The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a potentially significant addition to U.S. trade policy. It could present a model for trade liberalization that serves as a pathfinder for a Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific (FTAAP) and provides a means of addressing long-standing U.S. interests in Asia.  APEC's mandate closely resembles the objectives of the TPP.  Though the TPP is not exclusively an APEC initiative, APEC's strong commitment to championing free and open trade and investment, as well as promotion and acceleration of regional economic integration have been a driving force behind the TPP. 

During his opening remarks at the U.S.-ASEAN Leaders Meeting in New York, NY on September 24, President Obama noted that "Through APEC and initiatives like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, we're pursuing trade relationships that benefit all our countries."  The progress made over the last three rounds of TPP negotiations are aimed at creating a high standard agreement that will serve as a potential platform for economic integration across the Asia-Pacific region.  A fourth round of talks is schedule for December in New Zealand.

APEC Business Travel Card Update
An APEC Business Travel Card

NCAPEC has continued working with the House and Senate toward passage of APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) legislation.  S. 1633/H.R. 3192, which both have bi-partisan co-sponsorship, would authorize the Secretary of Homeland Security to issue ABTCs to United States citizen business leaders and senior government officials actively engaged in APEC-related business or work.  The U.S. currently provides program benefits to holders of APEC Business Travel Cards issued by APEC member economies, and this legislation would allow the U.S. to extend the same benefits to US business leaders. 

NCAPEC has been actively working with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to not only markup the legislation but also move the legislation to passage. To that end, the bill was added to the SFRC agenda for their business meeting on September 26 and was expected to be approved by the committee and then sent to the Senate floor for final passage. Unfortunately, the Senate adjourned a week ahead of schedule, postponing the business meeting and delaying consideration of the legislation.  We are continuing to push for action on the bill during sessions in November and December. 

Past APEC Insights Newsletters
APEC Insights, Quarter 2, '10

APEC Insights, Quarter 1, '10

APEC Insights, Quarter 4, '09

APEC Insights, Quarter 3, '09

APEC Insights, Quarter 2, '09

APEC Insights, Quarter 1, '09


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APEC 2011 USA Host Committee

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NCAPEC Board Retreat Sets Strategic Direction for 2011 and Beyond

The National Center for APEC's annual Board Retreat was held from September 1-2, 2010. Representatives from twenty-three NCAPEC Board Member companies were joined by former Under Secretary of Commerce Grant Aldonas, former U.S. Trade Representative Ambassador Susan Schwab, and Senior Official for APEC Ambassador Kurt Tong.  Along with NCAPEC staff, they conducted a number of in depth exercises to develop strategic goals for U.S. business in the Asia-Pacific, clarify the role of APEC in the Asia-Pacific trading environment, and create a vision for the future of the National Center in 2011 and beyond.

NCAPEC Board Members met for their semi-annual Board of Governors meeting on September 1.
NCAPEC Board Members met for their semi-annual Board of Governors meeting on September 1.

NCAPEC Board Members utilized the meeting to identify key success factors for U.S. commercial engagement in the Asia-Pacific.  Members stressed the importance of advancing the Asia-Pacific trade environment through both bilateral negotiations (such as the pending KORUS agreement) as well as multilateral fora (such as the TPP negotiations).  They agreed that the Asia-Pacific region is the engine of global economic recovery, and that the United States must stay actively engaged in the region to maintain a seat at the table.   Members noted that APEC needs to be recognized as a tool that can shape Asia-Pacific integration and identified it as the United States' best means of integrating into the Asia-Pacific.  Members were also adamant that APEC needs to capitalize on its unique, institutionally mandated role for business and its strong record of collaboration between government and the private sector.

The retreat concluded with a strategic look at the role that the National Center will be playing beyond 2011, considering the question of how it will continue to address the needs of U.S. businesses, and how it might utilize the hosting of APEC in 2011 as a launching pad for further cooperation in pursuit of business objectives in Asia-Pacific trade in 2012 and beyond.  Board Members emphasized developing strong private sector events in 2011, making the 2011 CEO Summit a premier event in Asia-Pacific engagement, and ensuring APEC 2011 conveys a legacy of success for the private sector.

In addition, Board Members discussed the ongoing developments in regional economic integration and how this would affect the Center's work in APEC.  Historically the Center has interpreted its mission as focusing exclusively on APEC as the forum for advancing the interests of its members.  Members agreed that there is a compelling case for the Center to become more involved in pursuing advancement of member issues in other multi-lateral for dealing with trade and economic issues in the Asia-Pacific region.

ABAC Report

The APEC Business Advisory Council's (ABAC) fourth meeting of the year will take place from November 8 - 10, 2010 during the APEC Summit in Yokohama, Japan.  This will be the final meeting before the U.S. assumes the Chairmanship of ABAC for 2011.  ABAC Members will take part in a Dialogue with APEC Leaders on November 13. 

ABAC Members gather for the Informal Session during ABAC III in Bangkok, Thailand.
ABAC Members are seen here during the Informal Session during ABAC III in Bangkok, Thailand.

ABAC last convened in Bangkok, Thailand from August 24 - 27 to finalize the ABAC Report to Leaders. The US ABAC members presented the Report to Mike Froman on October 19.  The report recognizes that global economic growth has exceeded expectations, but highlights the fact that significant challenges to the stability of that growth remain. Due to these concerns, ABAC developed a set of recommendations that would contribute to:

  1. Strengthening economic structures for balanced growth;
  2. Advancing regional economic integration; and
  3. Enhancing economic growth in harmony with the environment.

      The report commends APEC's pursuit of the Bogor Goals of free and open trade and investment, noting that they have promoted job creation and social stability and helped draw millions in the region out of poverty.  The report cautions, however, that the lingering economic imbalances and ever present protectionist pressures threaten to reverse these achievements.  The Report calls on Leaders to strengthen REI by adopting a new vision for APEC that builds on what has been achieved through the Bogor goals. Members called on APEC Leaders to center this new vision for APEC on a Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific (FTAAP), a vehicle that is seen as the most practical means to deliver free and open trade and investment in the APEC region.

The full text of the ABAC Report to Leaders can be read here.


APEC Senior Officials conducted their third meeting in Sendai, Japan last month, consolidating progress made in APEC work over the year and paving the way for a successful close to the APEC year.  Officials finalized the content and recommendations of the reports they will submit to Leaders and Ministers when they meet in Yokohama next month.


Senior Officials are seen here during their meetig in Sendai on September 25.
Senior Officials are seen here during their meetig in Sendai on September 25.

In their official meeting, the Officials focused on finalizing their assessment of APEC's progress towards the Bogor Goals, as well as mapping out a way ahead towards increasing regional economic integration. 

The Bogor Goals, declared by APEC Leaders in 1994 , call for industrialized member economies to achieve free and open trade by 2010, and developing members by 2020. The review process for the so-called '2010 economies' included 5 original members - Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand and the USA - as well as an additional eight who have since volunteered to 'move up' their assessment target from 2020 to 2010 -- Chile, Hong Kong China, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Singapore and Chinese Taipei.  Final language of the assessment is still being negotiated.

Senior Officials also discussed development of a proposed 'new growth strategy' for APEC, which would serve to refocus future growth in the region to avoid repeating vulnerabilities that may have become evident during the recent global economic crisis.  This strategy emphasizes creating a growth paradigm that is inclusive, sustainable, secure, balanced, and innovative.  Much of the Officials' discussion, as well as the work of subfora meetings on the margins, was focused on developing way to implement such a strategy in APEC.

Regional economic integration was a continuing theme at this meeting as well, with the long-term vision still focused on an eventual Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP). 

As always, the SOM was accompanied by a wide range of subfora meetings, dialogues, and workshops featuring a high level of engagement and participation with private sector participants.  These meetings covered a broad series of topics and focus areas, including with continued efforts to address non-tariff barriers, regulatory reform, energy security, food security, anti-corruption, supply chain connectivity and competition policy.


Senior Officials will gather for their final meeting of 2010 in Yokohama, Japan next month, in advance of the APEC Ministerial Meeting and APEC Leaders' Meeting, as well as the APEC CEO Summit, all scheduled to take place 9-13 November.

Final Preparations for the APEC Summit Week in Yokohama, Japan


Final preparations are well underway as Japan prepares to host APEC's penultimate week of meetings in mid-November.  The six meetings held over the seven days from November 7-14 that will mark the culmination of the 2010APEC meeting cycle include: the concluding Senior Officials' Meeting, the 4th ABAC Meeting, the APEC Ministerial Meeting, the APEC SME Summit, the APEC CEO Summit, and the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting.


The main draw for business participants will be the 2010 APEC CEO Summit which will be held from November 12-14.  A wide range of very senior business executives will be on the agenda.  The venue for the Summit will be the Royal Park Hotel in Yokohama's "Minato Mirai 21" district. Organizers expect between 800 -1,000 participants to attend the event.

The CEO Summit will be held in the Royal Park Hotel in Yokohama's "Minato Mirai 21" District.
The CEO Summit will be held in the Royal Park Hotel in Yokohama's "Minato Mirai 21" District


Other events scheduled for the week include:

  • The National Center for APEC's Annual Luncheon on Thursday, November 11, with welcoming remarks by U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke and a keynote address by Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii. (click here for more information)
  • The National Center and the ABAC will host an energy workshop on Business
    Perspectives on Energy Security in APEC, on Thursday November 11.  The workshop will feature a keynote address by Jim Suciu, President, Global Sales and Marketing for GE Energy followed by two panel discussions on harmonized standards for energy efficiency, and developments in energy security in the APEC Region; (click here for more information)
  • As in previous years, the US APEC Business Coalition has requested meetings with a wide range of APEC Leaders, Trade Ministers, and senior U.S. government officials.These meetings tend to be confirmed very close to the event, so delegates will be updated by email daily as meetings are confirmed.   

Exact timing and participants for many of these events are currently being finalized and we will keep registered Yokohama attendees apprised of the schedule as it develops.  For this reason, it is extremely important that all attending corporate delegations provide us with a POC email address for receiving updates, preferably someone who will be in Yokohama with their delegations.  Please provide this information to David Boman,  For further information on how to register or attend any of these events, please contact the National Center as soon as possible.  We look forward to seeing many of you there!

NCAPEC Annual Luncheon  - November 11, 2010

The National Center for APEC will be hosting its Annual Luncheon in Yokohama immediately prior to the 2010 APEC CEO Summit.  The 2010 Luncheon Theme is:

U.S. Leadership in the Asia-Pacific Region:

U.S. APEC Chairmanship in 2011

We are very pleased to announce that Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke will provide welcoming remarks and Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii will deliver the keynote address.

All of the U.S. ABAC Members and their colleagues from the 20 other economies will be present for the luncheon (Click here to view ABAC Member list).   In addition to Senator Inouye, Senator Thad Cochran of Mississippi, Ranking Member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, will join us at our luncheon.  Several members of the House of Representatives from both from the House Ways & Means Committee and the House APEC Caucus may also attend the luncheon.

Table sponsorships are still available. Please call the National Center for more information.  Companies sponsoring tables will be able to name one representative to sit at the Head Table, and the Center will help identify guests from among the ABAC members from all 21 economies, government officials, and other special guests to be seated at the Corporate Tables.  Please contact Linda Eng to reserve your Annual Luncheon table.  Click here to see the annual luncheon invitation.

Date:                            November 11, 2010 from 12:00-2:00pm                                 

Location:                      Yokohama Bay Sheraton Hotel & Towers

                                    Nichirin I-III, 5th Floor
                                    Yokohama, Japan

Energy Workshop - November 11, 2010

The National Center for APEC, in conjunction with ABAC, will host an Energy Workshop on Business Perspectives on Energy Security in APEC.  The workshop will feature a keynote address by Jim Suciu, President, Global Sales and Marketing for GE Energy followed by two panel discussions: one on harmonized standards for energy efficiency, and a second on developments in energy security in the APEC Region.  The workshop will also feature a discussion on the update to the 2008 Strategic Framework for Energy Security (click here for the 2008 Framework) and how it will be linked to APEC 2011 objectives.  Click here to see the full agenda.


Date:                            November 11, 2010 from 2:30 - 5:00pm


Location:                      Yokohama Bay Sheraton Hotel & Towers

                                    Nichirin IV, 5th Floor
                                    Yokohama, Japan


If you wish to attend, please RSVP by October 29th to
NCAPEC 2010 Events Calendar


9 - 12


Melbourne, Australia

22 Feb - 7 Mar

Senior Officials' Meeting (SOM1), Related Meetings

Hiroshima, Japan



30th Meeting of Intellectual Property Experts Group

Hiroshima, Japan


18 - 21



24 May-4 June

Senior Official Meeting (SOM2), Related Meetings

Sapporo, Japan


5 - 6

Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Trade

Sapporo, Japan

19 - 20

Energy Ministerial Meeting

Fukui, Japan



APEC 2011 USA Launch Reception

Washington, DC


7 - 8

Economic Committee High Level Policy Roundtable

Beppu, Japan

24 - 27


Bangkok, Thailand


1 - 2

NCAPEC Board Retreat

Seattle, WA


3rd APEC Oceans-Related Ministerial Meeting

Paracas, Peru

15 - 26

Senior Official Meeting (SOM3), Related Meetings

Sendai, Japan


2 - 3

SME Ministerial Meeting

Gifu, Japan

16 - 17

Agricultural Ministerial Meeting

Niigata, Japan

30 - 31

Ministerial Meeting on Telecommunications and Information Industry

Nago, Japan



Finance Ministers' Meeting

Kyoto, Japan

7 - 8

Concluding SOM (CSOM)

Yokohama, Japan

8 - 10


Yokohama, Japan

10 - 11

22nd APEC Ministerial Meeting

Yokohama, Japan


NCAPEC Annual Luncheon

Yokohama, Japan

12 - 14

CEO Summit

Yokohama, Japan

13 - 14

18th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting

Yokohama, Japan

NCAPEC Logo The U.S. National Center for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (NCAPEC) is the only U.S. business association focused exclusively on facilitating American private sector input to the APEC process. NCAPEC serves as the official coordinator of business activities for the 2011 APEC Meetings. National Center membership is limited to U.S. corporations. The National Center also functions as a conduit for U.S. businesses into APEC by serving as the Secretariat for the three U.S. executives who are appointed members of the APEC Business Advisory Council.  Learn more.

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